04 Oct
2019 Praise Hymns | "God Is in Heaven and Also on Earth"

2019 Praise Hymns | "God Is in Heaven and Also on Earth"

Verse 1

When on earth, God is a practical God

in the hearts of man.

In heaven He’s the Master,

ruling over everything.

Verse 2

He’s climbed the mountains

and waded through the rivers.

He has drifted in and out

through the place where people live.


God is up in heaven, and on earth He resides.

He’s among all creation, amidst the myriads of mankind.

Man can touch God every day, man can see Him every day.

Verse 3

Who dares to oppose practical God

and break out from His reign?

Who dares to assert that He’s in heaven,

beyond the shadow of doubt?

Verse 4

Who dares assert that God

for certain exists on earth?

In all humanity, none can say

or describe where God dwells.


God is up in heaven, and on earth He resides.

He’s among all creation, amidst the myriads of mankind.

Man can touch God every day, man can see Him every day.


Could it be when in heaven, He’s a supernatural God?

Could it be when God’s on earth, He is practical God Himself?

Ruling all creation or tasting human suffering,

can these determine He’s practical God Himself?


God is up in heaven (God is in heaven),

and on earth He resides (and on earth He resides).

He’s among all creation (all creation),

amidst the myriads of mankind.

Man can touch God every day (man can touch Him every day),

man can see Him every day (every day).


God is in heaven, and on earth He resides.

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs


How Do We Worship God in Spirit and in Truth?

Gospel Music Videos  – Find the Appearance of God - Attend the Feast With the Lord

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