God's Words | Words for the Young and the Old

God says:" I have carried out so much work on the earth and have walked among mankind for so many years. Yet people rarely have knowledge of My image and My disposition, and few people can thoroughly explain the work that I do. "

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When Falling Leaves Return to Their Roots, You Will Regret All the Evil You Have Done

God says:"You all have seen with your own eyes the work I have done amongst you, you yourselves have listened to the words I have spoken, and you have all known My attitude toward you, so you should know why I am doing this work in you. "

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The Experiences of Peter: His Knowledge of Chastisement and Judgment

God says:" Is God’s chastisement and judgment of no benefit to man? Is all judgment punishment? Could it be that only peace and joy, only material blessings and momentary comfort, are beneficial to the life of man? "

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God's words | How the Second Step of the Work of Conquering Bears Fruit

Almighty God says:"The work done in Israel is vastly different from today’s work. Jehovah guided their lives but did not judge or chastise as much as what is done now because at the time, people understood too little of the things of the world and had few corrupt dispositions."

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God’s Words to the Entire Universe | Chapter 7

Almighty God says:" In the past, have you been faithful to Me? Have you obeyed My excellent words of counsel? Do you have hopes that are realistic and not vague and uncertain?"

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Almighty God say: If the churches and the saints all enter into reality and all are able to fellowship with Me directly, be face to face with Me, and practice truth and righteousness, only then are they My beloved sons, the ones in whom I am well pleased, and upon them I shall bestow all great blessings.

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