Special GainsThe Church of Almighty God App Brings

The Church of Almighty God app brings together words uttered by Almighty God, Christ of the last days; all sorts of hymns and gospel films; the testimonies from God’s chosen people of being cleansed and attaining complete salvation by undergoing the judgment of God’s words.

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Christian Essentials: What is Christ?

“Christ is the incarnate Lord Jesus” or “Christ is the Messiah, the Son of God,” and others say, “Christ is the Son of man” “Christ means the anointed One.” But faced with these claims, some people are puzzled: The prophets, kings, and priests of the Old Testament, were all anointed, so are they also Christs? Just what is Christ?

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The Lord Jesus has come. Have you been raptured?

"Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me" (Revelation 3:20).

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How to Welcome the Appearance of the Lord

Now it is the late period of the last days and even the key time for the Lord to return. Can we receive the Lord's return? It is directly related to whether we can be raptured to the kingdom of heaven. So, how can we receive the Lord's return?

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The Meaning of the Name of Jesus

God says:" “‘Jesus’ is Emmanuel, and it means the sin offering that is full of love, full of compassion, and redeems man. He did the work of the Age of Grace, and represents the Age of Grace, and can only represent one part of the management plan. "

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God Has Come With Glory and His Kingdom Has Descended on the World

God's words:"To enter God’s kingdom is what every brother and sister has long yearned for. In God’s kingdom, people will no longer be disturbed and afflicted by Satan, no longer scheme against and deceive each other, and no longer suffer and worry or grow sick and die. "

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Almighty God Is the One True God Who Rules Over All Things

Everything of this world swiftly changes with the Almighty’s thoughts and beneath His eyes.

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Almighty God say: Jehovah established His commandments and laws so that, as He led them in their lives, the people would listen to and obey His word and not rebel against Him. He used these laws to keep the newborn human race under control, the better to lay the foundation for His future work. And so, based on the work that Jehovah did, the first age was called the Age of Law.

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