The Attitude One Should Have to God's Words

God says:"The words I speak are truths intended for all mankind, no matter who you are.Become servants of the truth.In your lives I see so much irrelevant to truth, so I expressly ask, become servants of the truth."

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The Name of Almighty God Is Witnessed in All Nations of the World

God says:"Since Almighty God, the King of the kingdom, has been witnessed, the scope of God's management plan has unfolded throughout the universe."

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Hymns of Praise | God's Kingdom Is Established Among Men

Almighty God says:"In the earth and universe, God's wisdom can be seen. Among all things and all people, His wisdom yields fine fruits. Everything looks like the product of God's kingdom. "

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Praise God Hymn | Christ of the Last Days Brings the Way of Eternal Life

Almighty God says:"Christ of the last days brings life and carries enduring and everlasting truth.This truth is the path that man must walk to gain life.It is the only path to knowing God and receiving His approval."

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Come to Zion With Praising

God's words:"Almighty God! Universe Ruler,Last Christ, our bright and shining Sun, risen from the universe's most majestic Mount Zion.Almighty God!Come to Zion with praising.We are all cheering for You, we are singing and dancing."

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Kingdom Anthem (I)  | The Kingdom Has Descended on the World

Almighty God says:" God's kingdom has come on earth; God's person is full and rich. Who can stand still and not rejoice? Who can stand still and not dance? Oh Zion, raise your banner of victory to celebrate for God. "

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Seven Thunders Come Forth From the Throne

Almighty God says:"Chorus Seven thunders come forth from the throne, resounding through the skies. The universe is shaken, heaven and earth are overturned."

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