Experiencing God’s Painstaking Care for Man’s Salvation in Disaster

On July 21, 2012, Beijing saw the heaviest fall of rain in sixty years. In that torrential downpour I saw God’s deeds and saw how He saves man.

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Spiritual Warfare | Relying on God to Survive a Brutal Wasp Attack

The Bible says, “He that believes on Him shall not be confounded” (1 Peter 2:6). Through my own personal experience I’ve realized how very true these words are.

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God Saved Me From Death —Getting Colorectal Cancer in My 70s (Part 2)

God’s words say, “God is never absent from the heart of man, and lives among man at all times. He has been the driving force of man’s living, the fundament of man’s existence, and a rich deposit for man’s existence after birth.”

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God Saved Me From Death —Getting Colorectal Cancer in My 70s (Part 1)

God’s words. “Almighty God is an all-powerful physician! To dwell in sickness is to be sick, but to dwell in the spirit is to be well. If you have but one breath, God will not let you die”

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Powerful Testimony: An Elderly Woman’s Liver Ascites Miraculously Heals After Leaning on God

God's words: “The environment around us as well as the people, matters and objects, all are permitted by His throne. Do not have a complaining heart, or God will not bestow His grace upon you. "

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Amazing Grace: By Leaning on God My Seriously Injured Daughter Avoided an Amputation

At that time, Almighty God’s words appeared in my heart, “His deeds are everywhere, his power is everywhere, his wisdom is everywhere, and his authority is everywhere. ”

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