Spiritual Warfare | Experiencing the Suffering of Persecution, I Know More Clearly What to Love or Hate

I thought of God’s words, “All things in the universe are in my hand. I speak and it comes to be and I command and it stands firm. Satan is under my feet, and is in the bottomless pit!”

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Spiritual Warfare Testimonies |  Supernaturalness and Greatness of God’s Life Power

As Almighty God’s words say, “God supplies all living and non-living things with his life, and by his power and authority he makes all these go on in an orderly way. ”

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Spiritual Warfare Testimonies | Rise Up in the Dark Oppression

I thought of God’s words, “When you are experiencing trials, whether you are weak or are passive within, or whether you do not understand God’s will or are not very clear about the ways of practice, it is normal. But in any case you should have faith in God’s work and not deny God as Job did not.”

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God’s Word Is My Real Life

God’s words inspired and guided me, “Do not fear this or that. The Almighty God of hosts will surely be with you. He will be your rear guard and shield.”

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Overcoming Temptations | God’s Light Led Me in the Tribulation(Part 2)

God’s words inspired me within, “This is because if you want to be saved and left, you have to undergo these sufferings. This is ordained. So it is a blessing that these sufferings come upon you."

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God’s Word Led Me to Forge Testimony

God’s words inspired me, “If you understand the meaning of human life and step onto the right way of human life, and no matter how God deals with you in the future, you submit to God’s manipulation, without any complaint or choice or any demand of God, then you will be of value.”

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God’s Word Led Me to Forge Testimony

Almighty God says, “Since you are a man, you should spend for God and endure all sufferings! As for the little suffering you are undergoing now, you should accept it gladly and readily in your heart. "

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