09 Nov
God's Words | The Inside Truth of the Conquering Work (2)

Almighty God's Words

      You used to seek to reign as kings, and today you have yet to completely let go of this; you still wish to reign as kings, to hold up the heavens and support the earth. Now, think about it: Do you possess such qualifications? Aren’t you being senseless? Is what you seek and devote your attention to realistic? You aren’t even possessed of normal humanity—isn’t it pathetic? Thus, today I only talk of being conquered, bearing testimony, improving your caliber, and entering onto the path of being made perfect, and do not speak of anything else. Some people are weary of the unadulterated truth, and when they see all this talk of normal humanity and improving people’s caliber, they are reluctant. Those who do not love the truth are not easy to make perfect. As long as you enter today, and act according to God’s will, step-by-step, could you be eliminated? After God has done so much work in the China mainland—work of such great scale—and after He has spoken so many words, could He give up half way? Could He lead people down into the bottomless pit? What’s key today is that you must know the substance of man, and must know what you should enter into; you must talk of entry into life, and changes in disposition, how to actually be conquered, and how to completely obey God, to bear final testimony to God, and to achieve obedience unto death. You must focus on these things, and that which is not realistic or important must first be put aside and not considered. Today, you should be aware of how to be conquered, and of how people conduct themselves after they have been conquered. You may say you have been conquered, but can you obey unto death? You must be able to follow to the very end regardless of whether there are any prospects, and you must not lose faith in God regardless of the environment. Ultimately, you must achieve two aspects of testimony: the testimony of Job—obedience unto death—and the testimony of Peter—the supreme love of God. In one respect, you must be like Job: He had no material possessions, and was beset by the pain of the flesh, yet he did not forsake the name of Jehovah. This was Job’s testimony. Peter was able to love God unto death. When he died—when he was put on the cross—he still loved God; he did not think of his own prospects or pursue glorious hopes or extravagant thoughts, and he sought only to love God and to obey all of God’s arrangements. Such is the standard you must achieve before you can be considered to have borne testimony, before you become someone who has been made perfect after having been conquered. Today, if people truly knew their own substance and status, would they still seek prospects and hopes? What you should know is this: Regardless of whether God makes me perfect, I must follow God; everything He does now is good, and for our sake, and so that our disposition can change and we can rid ourselves of Satan’s influence, to allow us to live in the land of filth and yet rid ourselves of impurity, shake off the filth and the influence of Satan, to enable us to leave behind the influence of Satan. Of course, this is what is required of you, but for God it is merely conquest, so that people have the resolve to obey, and can submit to all of God’s orchestrations. This way, things will be accomplished. Today, most people have already been conquered, but within them there is still much that is rebellious and disobedient. People’s true stature is still too small, and they become full of vigor if there are hopes and prospects; if there aren’t, they become negative, and even think about leaving God. And people have no great desire to seek the living out of normal humanity. That will not do. Thus, I must still talk of conquest. In fact, perfection occurs at the same time as conquest: As you are conquered, the first effects of being made perfect are also achieved. Where there is a difference between being conquered and being made perfect, it is according to the degree of change in people. Being conquered is the first step of being made perfect, and does not mean that they have been completely made perfect, nor prove that they have been completely gained by God. After people have been conquered, there are some changes in their disposition, but such changes fall far short of those in people who have been completely gained by God. Today, what is done is the initial work of making people perfect—conquering them—and if you can’t achieve being conquered, then you will have no means of being made perfect and being completely gained by God. You will merely gain a few words of chastisement and judgment, but they will be incapable of completely changing your heart. Thus you will be one of those who are eliminated; it will be no different from looking at a sumptuous feast upon the table but not eating it. Isn’t that tragic? And so you must seek changes: Whether it is being conquered or being made perfect, both relate to whether there are changes in you, and whether or not you are obedient—and this determines whether or not you can be gained by God. Know that “being conquered” and “being made perfect” are simply based on the extent of change and obedience, as well as on how pure your love of God is. What is required today is that you can be completely made perfect, but in the beginning you must be conquered—you must have sufficient knowledge of God’s chastisement and judgment, must have the faith to follow, and be someone who seeks changes and for there to be effects. Only then will you be someone who seeks to be made perfect. You should understand that in the course of being made perfect you will be conquered, and in the course of being conquered you will be made perfect. Today, you can seek to be made perfect or seek changes in your external humanity and improvements in your caliber, but of principal importance is that you can understand that everything that God does today has meaning and is of benefit: It enables you who live in a land of filth to escape the filth and shake it off, it enables you to overcome the influence of Satan, and leave behind the dark influence of Satan—and by focusing on these things, you are protected in this land of filth. Ultimately, what testimony will you be asked to give? You live in a land of filth but are able to become holy, and no longer be filthy and impure, you live under the domain of Satan but divest yourself of Satan’s influence, and are not possessed or harassed by Satan, and you live in the hands of the Almighty. This is the testimony, and the proof of victory in the battle with Satan. You are able to forsake Satan, what you live out does not reveal Satan, but is that which God required that man attain when He created man: normal humanity, normal rationality, normal insight, normal resolve to love God, and loyalty to God. Such is the testimony borne by a creature of God. You say, “We live in a land of filth, but because of God’s protection, because of His leadership, and because He has conquered us, we have rid ourselves of the influence of Satan. That we can obey today is also the effect of being conquered by God, and it is not because we are good, or because we naturally loved God. It is because God chose us, and predestined us, that we have been conquered today, are able to bear testimony to Him, and can serve Him; so, too, is it because He chose us, and protected us, that we have been saved and delivered from the domain of Satan, and can leave behind the filth and be purified in the nation of the great red dragon.” In addition, what you live out externally will show that you are possessed of normal humanity, there is rationality to what you say, and you live out the likeness of a normal person. When others see you they shouldn’t say, “Is this not the image of the great red dragon? The sisters’ conduct is unbecoming of a sister, the brothers’ conduct is unbecoming of a brother, and they have none of the decorum of the saints.” They shouldn’t say, “No wonder God said they are the descendants of Moab, He was totally right!” If people look at you and say, “Though God said you are the descendants of Moab, what you live out has proven that you have left behind the influence of Satan; although those things are still inside you, you are able to turn your backs on them,” then this shows that you have been completely conquered. You who have been conquered and saved will say, “It’s true that we are the descendants of Moab, but we have been saved by God, and although the descendants of Moab used to be forsaken and cursed, and exiled among Gentiles by the people of Israel, today God has saved us. It’s true that we are the most corrupt of all people—this was decreed by God, this is fact, and it is undeniable by all. But today we have escaped that influence. We detest our ancestor, we are willing to turn our backs on our ancestor, to utterly forsake it and obey all of God’s arrangements, acting according to God’s will and achieving His requirements of us, and attaining the satisfaction of God’s will. Moab betrayed God, he did not act according to God’s will, and he was hated by God. But we should be caring of God’s heart, and today, since we understand God’s will, we cannot betray God, and must renounce our old ancestor!” Previously I spoke of renouncing the great red dragon—and today, that is mainly the renouncement of people’s old ancestor. This is one testimony of people’s conquest, and regardless of how you enter today, your testimony in this area must not be lacking.

      People’s caliber is too poor, they lack too much normal humanity, their reactions are too slow, too sluggish, Satan’s corruption has left them numb and dull-witted, and although they cannot completely change in one or two years, they must have the resolve to cooperate. It can be said that this is also a testimony before Satan. The testimony of today is the effect achieved by the present work of conquest, as well as a specimen and model for the followers of the future. In the future, it will spread to all nations; what is done in China will spread to all nations. The descendants of Moab are the most lowly of all the world’s people. Some people ask, Are not Ham’s descendants the most lowly of all? The progeny of the great red dragon and the descendants of Ham represent different things, and the descendants of Ham are a different matter: Regardless of how they are cursed, they are still the descendants of Noah; the origins of Moab, meanwhile, were not pure, he came from debauchery, and in this lies the difference. Though both were cursed, their statuses were not the same, and so the descendants of Moab are the lowliest of all people—and no fact is more convincing than the conquest of the lowliest of all people. The work of the last days breaks with all rules, and regardless of whether you are cursed or punished, as long as you help My work, and are of benefit to the work of conquest of today, and regardless of whether you are a descendant of Moab or the progeny of the great red dragon, as long as you perform the duty of a creature of God in this stage of work, and do the best you can, then the due effect will be achieved. You are the progeny of the great red dragon, and you are a descendant of Moab; in sum, all who are of flesh and blood are the creatures of God, and were made by the Creator. You are a creature of God, you should not have any choice, and this is your duty. Of course, today the Creator’s work is directed at the entire universe. Regardless of who you are descended from, above all you are one of God’s creatures, you—the descendants of Moab—are part of God’s creatures, it’s just that you are of lower worth. Since, today, God’s work is carried out amongst all creatures, and aimed at the entire universe, the Creator is free to select any people, matters, or things in order to do His work. He cares not who you used to be descended from; as long as you are one of His creatures, and as long as you are beneficial to His work—the work of conquest and testimony—He will carry out His work in you without any scruples. This smashes people’s traditional conceptions, which are that God will never work among the Gentiles, especially not those who have been cursed and are lowly; for those who have been cursed, their later generations will forever also be cursed, they will never have the chance of salvation; God will never descend and work in a Gentile land, and will never set foot in a land of filth, for He is holy. All these conceptions have been smashed by God’s work in the last days. Know that God is the God of all creatures, He holds dominion over the heavens and earth and all things, and is not only the God of the people of Israel. Thus, this work in China is of the utmost significance, and will it not be spread among all nations? The great testimony of the future will not be limited to China; if God only conquered you, could the demons be convinced? They don’t understand being conquered, or the great power of God, and only when God’s chosen people throughout the whole universe behold the ultimate effects of this work will all creatures be conquered. None are more backward or corrupt than the descendants of Moab. Only if these people can be conquered—they who are the most corrupt, who did not acknowledge God or believe that there is a God have been conquered, and acknowledge God in their mouths, praise Him, and are able to love Him—will this be the testimony of conquest. Although you are not Peter, you live out the image of Peter, you are able to possess the testimony of Peter, and of Job, and this is the greatest testimony. Ultimately you will say: “We are not the Israelites, but the forsaken descendants of Moab, we are not Peter, whose caliber we are incapable of, nor Job, and we can’t even compare to Paul’s resolve to suffer for God and dedicate himself to God, and we are so backward, and thus, we are unqualified to enjoy God’s blessings. God has still lifted us up today; so we must satisfy God, and although we are of insufficient caliber or qualifications, we are willing to satisfy God—we have this resolve. We are the descendants of Moab, and we were cursed. This was decreed by God, and we are incapable of changing it, but our living out and our knowledge can change, and we are resolved to satisfy God.” When you have this resolve, it will prove that you have testified to being conquered.

Source:The Church of Almighty God


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