The Two Incarnations Complete the Significance of the Incarnation

Almighty God says:" Each stage of work done by God has its own practical significance. Back then, when Jesus came, He was male, and when God comes this time, He is female. "

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Almighty God say: The work of the Holy Spirit has now brought you into a new heaven and a new earth. Everything is being renewed, everything is in My hands, everything is beginning anew!

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Almighty God say: He is the As we open our spiritual eyes we see that the word of God has emanated from His glorious body; it is God Himself emerging from the flesh. He is the real and complete God Himself.

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Almighty God say: Time is indeed pressing now. The Holy Spirit uses many different ways to lead us into God’s words. You ought to be equipped with all the truth, be sanctified, have a true closeness and association with Me; you are not permitted any room to choose.

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Almighty God say:You must be proactive in cooperating with Me; be diligent and never lazy. Always be in fellowship with Me and have deeper intimacy with Me.

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Almighty God say:Since Almighty God—the King of the kingdom—has been witnessed, the scope of God’s management has unfolded entirely throughout the whole universe. Not only has God’s appearance been witnessed in China, but the name of Almighty God has been witnessed in all nations and all lands.

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Almighty God say:We shall always be watching and waiting, be quiet in spirit and seek with a pure heart. Whatever befalls us, we must not blindly fellowship. We only need to be quiet before God and in constant fellowship with Him and then His intentions will be revealed to us.

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Almighty God says:" The church of Philadelphia has taken shape, which is entirely due to the grace and mercy of God. Love for God arises in the hearts of the myriad saints, who do not waver on their spiritual journey. "

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Almighty God say Praises have come to Zion and God’s dwelling place has appeared. The glorious holy name, praised by all peoples, is spreading. Ah, Almighty God!

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