God’s Words to the Entire Universe | Chapter 11

Almighty God says:"Every person in mankind should accept the observation of My Spirit, should closely scrutinize their every word and action, and, moreover, should look upon My wondrous deeds. "

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God’s Words to the Entire Universe | Chapter 10

Almighty God says:"From the creation of the world until today, all these years it has always been about building the church, but one never hears of building the kingdom. "

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God’s Words to the Entire Universe | Chapter 7

Almighty God says:" In the past, have you been faithful to Me? Have you obeyed My excellent words of counsel? Do you have hopes that are realistic and not vague and uncertain?"

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Almighty God say: This is now a crucial moment. You must continue to work hard until the very last minute, clear the eyes of your spirit so you can distinguish between good and evil, and exert as much effort as you can for the building of the church.

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Almighty God say: God’s management plan approaches its final stage, the building of the church will succeed, the number of the victorious is already set, the victorious male child will be made and they will enter the kingdom with Me, take up the kingship with Me, rule all nations with the iron rod and be in glory together!

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